October 2024
This month our sister team partnered with local farmers to launch the first native tree nursery in our 2024-2025 Agroforestry for Resilience effort. Three SEPALI Madagascar team members and 19 local farmers came together over 5 days to hand-construct 3,000 biodegradable bamboo seedling pots, fill them with soil, and plant seeds collected earlier in the season from native trees and understory plants.

Over the coming months, two more collaborations like this will help us reach our target of 10,000 seedlings in our first community. When the young trees are ready, they'll be planted in participating farmers’ agroforestry plots along the rainforest edge.
Our shared objective is to integrate locally-valued native species and wild silk moth host plants into degraded areas to help at-risk biodiversity thrive while yielding supplemental income for families.