Reflecting wit and wisdom through art
The people of Madagascar represent proud ethnic groups distinguished by diverse cultural practices and dialects. Malagasy proverbs capture both the wit and wisdom of the Malagasy people as a reflection of cultural identity and lived experience. Many of the wild silk and raffia textiles produced by artisans under our nature-based social enterprise Tanana Madagascar evoke traditional proverbs. We share a collection here for inspiration in the new year. Each piece advances conservation, supports farmer livelihoods, and creates opportunities for local artisans to earn a fair wage.
Ny teny toy ny atody: raha foy manan’elatra.
Words are like eggs: when they are hatched they have wings.

Tsihy be lambanana ny ambanilantra.
All who live under the sky are woven together like one big mat.

Aza mitsipa-doha laka-nitana.
Do not kick away the canoe which helped you to cross the river.

Ny alina mitondra fisainana.
The night brings wisdom.

Ataovy dian-tana: jerena ny aloha, todihana ny afara.
Behave like the chameleon: look forward and observe behind.

These and other stunning nature-based textiles are available at Tanana Madagascar. 100% of sales revenue supports local artisans, farmers, and our partners in Madagascar.